My role in product photography mainly brought out ideas and examples for different products and themes. It helps the photographer and display designer to understand what we are looking for on the set. About this part, I’ll have more examples in the section below.
The last part is layout and proof print. From the cover to the last page, we designed the book plan based on the priority and category of products. Also, the stories of our ambassadors. In the end are pre-press and on-site checking.

Product Photography
After working at American Giant for a while, I took on more responsibilities, and product photography is one of them. I searched for examples that fit our requirements for our photographer and helped on set while shooting to make sure we got the shot we need.
The example on the top was laydown shots for the Christmas event. The goal was to try to show gift options. Therefore, we chose to do it with a Christmas colors theme with products in there.
Examples below were waterproof fabric, cozy fabric, and new outwear series sneak peek. On the waterproof material, we used low-angle light to pop the drop so people can get an idea of it. For the cozy fabric, the point was trying to show the material has two different surfaces. Finally, in the sneak peek, we used a different color of lights to imply the coming content.
American Giant is a local company in the United States where I got my first design job. Since American Giant very cares about its brand value and message, I was so blessed that I can learn a lot of experience about how to promote a brand in the company. From basic ads and website updating to catalog and retail decoration, I got many opportunities to apply what I have learned in school to real work. Also, I have learned how to cooperate with other design studios and the press check in the printing companies.
2018/04 - 2020/12

In American Giant, the company produces 3~4 catalogs every year that shows new products, seasonal colors, brand ambassador stories, and brand messages. In the catalog, we included ambassadors who we loved and who have similar brand values as American Giant.
In the book planning process, I helped to choose what products go into the catalog. I usually got a list of top-selling products and a budget list of all the products in the coming season from the marketing department to help me.