I also designed an interior decal project for the new denim product launch. Since the denim was made from classic denim fabric, we decided to do a timeline about the history of denim. It includes historical moments and iconic people in different generations to make it knowledgeable and interesting. At the end of the timeline, we put a television that plays the manufacturing process of the denim product.

American Giant is a local company in the United States where I got my first design job. Since American Giant very cares about its brand value and message, I was so blessed that I can learn a lot of experience about how to promote a brand in the company. From basic ads and website updating to catalog and retail decoration, I got many opportunities to apply what I have learned in school to real work. Also, I have learned how to cooperate with other design studios and the press check in the printing companies.
2018/04 - 2020/12

Printout design was my favorite part because I got a lot of flexibility to try different ideas. Also, from brochures to in-store decorations, there were many different formats I could play with.
The example is a brochure that comes with every order in the package. The goal is to proceed with brand value to customers. The most known brand value of American Giant is “made in USA.” However, how it helps customers and returns to society? To answer the question, we put many statistics to give customers a more clear idea. For example, the number that shows made in USA products helps with pollution caused by transportation and the amount of trash that has been made by the clothing industry.